Up to Know good?

Spend on speech analysis is expected to grow to above $3.5b over the next year. It has increased the insight in customer experience greatly, but it has big limitations and is mostly old technology with new algorithms being glued on to enable AI.


One of the challenges of working with speech analysis is the nature of conversation. In culture “so bad” can mean “so good”. “Sick” can be a problem or the highest compliment and of course irony can change “more than satisfied” into a damning indictment of your customer experience. 

Culture plays a huge role in our understanding of what is said and not said. Americans say pants and the English say trousers. The world’s population of English as a second or third language speakers use conversational constructs from their native languages that can change meaning.


Sentient Machines is a next-gen technology. It provides conversation, interaction, and experience analysis that looks at “what is said”, identifies “what is not said” and provides insight into “what it means”. It is about context.


Without context, “I saw a man on a hill with a telescope” could mean either I had a telescope or maybe the man did, and who had the telescope could be the most important part of the conversation – context is everything.

Built around self-learning AI, our platform can detect experiential constructs. In simple terms, emotions, feelings, sentiments, and behaviours. Not just the difference between apathy and empathy. It doesn’t just rely on keywords to understand the situation. It can identify vulnerable customers in hundreds of common scenarios. It can understand the reason for a call.


But Sentient Machines has a few other tricks that make it different. Out of the box it starts to build an understanding of your conversations. It generates the topics your customers and employees are talking about into easy to understand and clickable journeys for you to explore.

Its Sunburst technology allows you to dive deeper into subjects and heading more quickly so any user can find what they are looking for in a few clicks. The UX is designed to make it easier for every users journey faster and more effective. From HR and Team Management to QA and compliance. Operations to Sales a couple of clicks and you can find what you want.


Because it is next gen, it learns from every decision you make generating a clear understanding of each stage in your customers and colleagues’ journeys. It customises itself to your organisation with every click.


But that’s not all - you can connect your telephony in hours, not days. Along with your reporting platforms, CRM and other tools and insight sources. Finally, the promise of a single lens and one version of the truth is a reality. Our military-grade and FCRS certification is built into everything we do.


Sentient Machines customers, including government departments and financial institutions, rate the platform so highly that once turned on no-one has ever switched it off.


So, what about the cost? Well, there are no licence fees, no expensive professional services, and no massive marketing programmes to pay for.


So, if you want to find out why Sentient Machines win so many awards and have so many happy customers get in touch and I can show you more about your customer experience in a day than you have seen before.

Morris Pentel, Customer Success Director