Emotive CX for Customer Interaction - The Rise of Empathy and AI

With Martin Hill-Wilson and Dr Danica Damljanovic.

A word that has risen to global awareness since the pandemic struck is empathy. In uncertain times, we instinctively recognise the need to understand how others are feeling.

Emotive CX for Customer Interaction takes this idea further. Not only should we recognise how customers feel in a service or sales interaction, we should also seek to influence how emotive needs are resolved and remembered. Ongoing loyalty depends on it. Especially in times of heightened anxiety.

Brainfood’s Martin Hill-Wilson and Sentient Machines’ Dr Danica Damljanovic will explore how Emotive CX for Customer Interaction works in practice and can be introduced as a contact centre competency. Martin will share the management model he trains organisations to implement and highlight the vital role interaction analytics plays in making this a scalable operational reality. 

This is the next generation of use cases for interaction analytics which requires the power of finely tuned AI algorithms to recognise emotive states and the moments that matter in customer service journeys.

Martin and Danica.png


Context is Everything

Impact of Emotion Dynamics on CSAT Scores

The Importance of Listening

Vulnerability and Emotion

View the full talk below: